News Release
Implementation of Japan’s First PoC Related to Drone Sharing and Inspection Services Based out of a Service Station.
ENEOS Holdings, Inc. (CEO: Katsuyuki Ota, hereinafter referred to as “ENEOS”), SENSYN ROBOTICS, Inc. (CEO: Takuya Kitamura, hereinafter referred to as “SENSYN ROBOTICS”) and Tsuneishi C Values, Inc. (CEO: Yasuhisa Tsubata, hereinafter referred to as “Tsuneishi C Values”) will conduct the following proof of concept(PoC).
Please see the following video about the contents of the future service that we are aiming for after the PoC.
1.Sharing drones based out of a service station
The drone management and charging operations will be based out of service station and service station staffs will be in charge of renting and returning the drones.
・Service station:Dr. Drive Fukuyama Daimon Self Service Station
(Address: 1-23-10 Daimoncho, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture)
2.Providing drone inspection services
We will provide drone inspection services for companies and general customers located near the service station.
・Execution contents:SENSYN ROBOTICS will provide inspection services related to abnormality detection of photovoltaic power generation equipment using thermal images.
Through the PoC, we will study the customer needs and identify issues related to operating and monetizing the service.
By utilizing drones, inspections, security monitoring, and disaster recovery can be automated and made more efficient, contributing to solving the social problems of increased costs for aging infrastructure maintenance and a shortage of inspection personnel due to the aging population.
These are nationwide social problems, and we believe that providing drone services utilizing the ENEOS’ assets nationwide service station network is an effective means of solving these problems.
This PoC will be the first step toward developing stations that provide drone services and we aim to commercialize this service after FY 2022 in Japan.
Overview of the PoC
Execution Details | ①Rent the drones to Tsuneishi Holdings, Inc. (parent company of Tsuneishi C Values) ②SENSYN ROBOTICS provides drone inspection service for photovoltaic power generation equipment to Okada Sekizai, Inc. (cooperative corporate partner) |
The Roles of Each Company | ・ENEOS:Overall project management ・SENSYN ROBOTICS:Provide the drones and operate the drone inspection service ・Tsuneishi C Values:Provide the location for the drone storage, management and charging operations |

(Emerging Business Development Dept., ENEOS Holdings, Inc.)